Specialized keyboard
At work we have a specialized keyboard and I was curious to see which words we could or couldn’t type. I compiled the list of words while at home and then tried them at work. The testing phase was much faster than the collection phase. I realize that this is not a very efficient use of my time. There are some adult words on here so if that bothers you, please don’t read the list. Every one, two, or three letter word that I tried was successful.
Permitted: A, Abet, Able, Ably, Abs, Abut, Ace, Aced, Aces, Act, Ad, Add, Ado, Ads, Aft, Age, Ago, Aid, Aim, Air, Ale, All, Am, Amp, An, And, Ant, Any, Ape, App, Apt, Arc, Are, Ark, Arm, Art, As, Ash, Ask, Asp, Ass, At, Ate, Auk, Author, Awe, Awl, Ax, Axe, Aye, Baa, Bad, Bag, Ban, Bap, Bar, Bat, Bay, Be, Bed, Bee, Beg, Best, Bet, Bib, Bid, Big, Bin, Bit, Boa, Bob, Bog, Bop, Bot, Bow, Box, Boy, Bra, Bud, Bug, Bum, Bun, Bur, Bus, But, Buy, By, Bye, Cab, Cad, Cam, Can, Cap, Car, Cat, Caw, Cay, CD, CDs, Class, Cob, Cod, Cog, Col, Con, Coo, Cop, Coq, Cos, Cot, Cow, Cox, Coy, Cru, Cry, Cub, Cud, Cue, Cum, Cup, Cut, Dab, Dad, Dag, Dah, Dam, Damn, Dan, Day, Deb, Del, Den, Dew, Dib, Did, Die, Dig, Dim, Din, Dip, DNA, Do, Dob, Doe, Dog, Don, Dos, Dot, Dry, Dub, Dud, Due, Dug, Dun, Duo, Dye, Ear, Eat, Ebb, Eek, Eel, Egg, Ego, Eke, Elf, Elk, Ell, Elm, Emo, Emu, End, Eon, Era, Erg, Err, Eta, Eve, Ewe, Ex, Eye, Fad, Fag, Fan, Far, Fat, Fax, Fay, Fed, Fee, Fen, Few, Fey, Fez, Fib, Fid, Fig, Fin, Fir, Fit, Fix, Flu, Fly, Fob, Foe, Fog, Fop, For, Fox, Friend, Fry, Fuck, Fug, Fun, Fur, Gab, Gad, Gag, Gal, Gam, Gap, Gar, Gas, Gay, Gee, Gel, Gem, Get, Gig, Gin, Gnu, Go, Gob, God, Goo, Got, Goy, Gum, Gun, Gut, Guy, Gym, Gyp, Had, Hag, Ham, Hap, Has, Hat, Haw, Hay, He, Hem, Hen, Her, Hew, Hex, Hey, Hi, Hid, Highly, Him, Hip, His, Hit, Hob, Hoe, Hog, Hop, Hot, How, Hoy, Hub, Hue, Hug, Hum, Hut, I, Ice, Ick, Icy, Ide, If, Igg, Ilk, Ill, Imp, In, Ink, Inn, Ins, Ion, Ire, Irk, Is, It, Its, Ivy, Jab, Jag, Jam, Jar, Jaw, Jay, Jet, Jew, Jib, Jig, Job, Jog, Jot, Joy, Jug, Jus, Jut, Kea, Ked, Keg, Key, Kid, Kin, Kip, Kit, Koi, Lab, Lac, Lad, Lag, Lam, Lap, Law, Lax, Lay, Lea, Led, Lee, Leg, Lei, Let, Lid, Lie, Lip, Lit, Little, Lob, Log, Lop, Lot, Low, Lox, Lug, Lux, Lye, Mad, Man, Map, Mar, Marry, Mat, Maw, Max, May, Me, Men, Met, Mew, Mid, Mil, Mix, Moa, Mob, Mom, Moo, Mop, Mow, Mud, Mug, Mum, My, Nab, Nag, Nap, Nay, Neb, Net, New, Ney, Nib, Nil, Nip, Nit, Nix, No, Nod, Nog, Nor, Not, Novel, Now, Nub, Nun, Nut, Oaf, Oak, Oar, Oat, Obi, Odd, Ode, Of, Off, Oft, Oh, Ohm, Oil, Ok, Old, On, One, Opt, Or, Orb, Orc, Ore, Ort, Our, Out, Ova, Owe, Owl, Own, Ox, Pad, Pal, Pan, Pap, Par, Pat, Paw, Pay, Pea, Pee, Peg, Pen, Pep, Per, Pet, Pew, Phi, Pi, Pie, Pig, Pin, Pip, Pit, Ply, Pod, Poo, Pop, Pot, Pox, Pre, Pro, Pry, Pub, Pug, Pun, Pup, Pus, Put, Qua, Quo, Rad, Rag, Ram, Ran, Rap, Rat, Raw, Ray, Red, Ref, Rem, Rep, Ret, Rev, Rib, Rid, Rig, Rim, Rip, Rob, Rod, Roe, Rot, Row, Rub, Rue, Rug, Rum, Run, Rut, Rye, Sac, Sad, Sag, Same, Sap, Sat, Saw, Sax, Say, Sea, Secret, See, Sell, Set, Sew, Sex, She, Shit, Shy, Sic, Sig, Sin, Sip, Sir, Sit, Six, Ski, Sky, Sly, So, Sob, Sod, Sol, Son, Sop, Sot, Sow, Soy, Spa, Spy, Sty, Sub, Sue, Sum, Sun, Sup, Tab, Tad, Tag, Tan, Tap, Tar, Tat, Taw, Tax, Tea, Ted, Tee, Ten, The, Thy, Tic, Tie, Tin, Tip, Tit, To, Toe, Tog, Tom, Ton, Too, Top, Tor, Tot, Tow, Toy, Try, Tsk, Tub, Tug, Tut, Tux, TV, TVs, Two, Ugh, Ump, Up, Ups, Urn, Us, Use, Van, Vas, Vat, Veg, Vet, Vex, Via, Vie, Vim, Vow, Wad, Wag, Wan, War, Was, Wax, Way, We, Web, Wed, Wee, Wen, Wet, Who, Why, Wig, Win, Wit, With, Wiz, Woe, Wok, Won, Woo, Wop, Wow, Wry, Wye, Yak, Yam, Yap, Yaw, Yay, Ye, Yea, Yen, Yep, Yes, Yet, Yew, Yin, Yip, You, Yow, Yuk, Yum, Yup, Zap, Zed, Zee, Zig, Zip, Zit, Zoo
Longest permitted words: Author, Friend, Highly, Little, Secret
Impossible: Anticipated, Brilliant, Classic, History, Incest, Return
Shortest impossible words: Incest, Return
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