Saturday, November 26, 2016

McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd

I posted this to a message board on October 11, 2008:
Campbell Brown from CNN did a special called "Race in the Race: The Great Unknown." Someone else on the show wanted reviewers to respond to whether there has been an undercurrent of hateful speech in the McCain campaign. I sent this message to CNN:

It is outrageous to suggest such a thing! McCain is a true hero and has been very civil in this campaign. He was defending Obama in the incident! An independent analysis found that McCain has done 25% fewer attack ads than Obama. It is Obama's close associates that have been spewing hatred. The conservative base is upset that nobody will talk about his friends. If Obama were white, he probably wouldn't have joined the same political and religious circles and Hillary would have easily beaten him in the primary. He is all style and no substance and his race has been a huge boost to his campaign, probably both from excitement and liberal guilt.
Someone responded to me with this:
While it is outrageous to suggest that McCain is promoting any racist sentiment, or that he would countenance it, unfortunately, racist incidents like a McCain supporter calling a black network sound guy "n*gger" (and telling him to "Sit down, boy") ain't helping.
I wrote:
I had not heard about that and it is very sad.  However it seems like the hatred in the Obama camp and especially with his close associates is far more apparent and destructive, but we are not allowed to talk about it.


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