eHarmony Forced to Have Same Sex Website?
On November 20, 2008 someone posted a Yahoo article about eHarmony and gay marriage to a message board and said:
Check out this link - it's amazing: Is eHarmony not a private entity that can run it's website the way it wants? Are gay websites now supposed to cater to heteros? Are Christian websites now supposed to cater to non-Christians? What is going on? Scary.Later he posted a Youtube video called "banned Visa Card commercial" and said:
eHarmony should have more realistic commercials about dating, like this oneOn the 23rd I responded to the video and said:
Beautiful! Your hide/show didn't work though.Then I wrote:
I have considered using eHarmony. I am a Christian and I like their approach of having several factors to match people. I'm not familiar with, but you need more than interests to satisfy a relationship. I think a private business should have some freedom in determining their clientele. Although I'm not sure what the consequences would be if there was total freedom and rejection of discrimination laws. A new business could always provide for the missing clientele.On the 25th I wrote:
Michelle Malkin did an article about this:
This case is akin to a meat-eater suing a vegetarian restaurant for not offering him a rib-eye, or a female patient suing a vasectomy doctor for not providing her hysterectomy services.
Perhaps heterosexual men and women should start filing lawsuits against gay dating websites and undermine their businesses. Coerced tolerance and diversity-by-fiat cut both ways.
As for the connection to Dobson, this is what Wikipedia says:From Wikipedia:
Warren attributes much of eHarmony's initial success to its promotion on the daily radio broadcast of Focus on the Family. As the company expanded and sought broader market share, Warren parted ways with Focus on the Family and its founder, James Dobson. In 2005, Warren discontinued his appearances on Dobson's radio show and bought back rights to three of his books "Finding the Love of Your LifeOn Wikipedia's page about the company it says this:", "Make Anger Your Ally
>", and "Learning to Live with the Love of Your Life
" originally published by Focus on the Family. As Warren explained, "We're trying to reach the whole world, people of all spiritual orientations, all political philosophies, all racial backgrounds."
About 15,000 people take the eHarmony questionnaire each day. After finding a match on eHarmony, Harris Interactive reports that an average of 236 eHarmony members marry every day.
Their lawyer is Theodore Olson who was a US Solicitor General.
Compatible Partners is an online relationship service. Compatible Partners serves the gay and lesbian community, matching men and women with compatible singles of the same sex, taking into consideration what it considers the key dimensions of personality. Compatible Partners was launched by eHarmony Inc. on March 31, 2009. The website was launched in response to a settlement with the state of New Jersey, following a lawsuit against eHarmony for discrimination against same-sex couples.After defending eHarmony, Theodore Olson took a dramatic change in his views of homosexuality:
In 2009, he joined with David Boies, his opposing counsel in Bush v. Gore, to bring a federal lawsuit, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, challenging Proposition 8, a California state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. His work on the lawsuit earned him a place among the Time 100's greatest thinkers. In 2011, Olson and David Boies were awarded the ABA Medal, the highest award of the American Bar Association.I met my wife through eHarmony. Our first date was at Olive Garden on February 23, 2013. We got married almost 2 years later. One of her friends asked us if we wanted to be in one of the commercials, but my wife was not very interested in doing that. I called customer service at eHarmony to cancel my account and they asked me to fill out a survey. However, the survey only worked for active accounts so I was unable to take it.
Under our current legal system where anti-discrimination and public accommodation laws prevail, it seems like the government is forcing bigots and their victims to do business together. I find this ridiculously unfair and so in my book on the constitution
The right to own property. Property owners shall choose whom they employ and who their customers are. They shall choose which products to sell. Congress and the States retain Eminent Domain powers, but must give property owners just compensation and cannot take land from one owner and give it to another owner.