Cost of both Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
On April 10, 2009 I posted a Winnipeg Free Press article to a message board. The link is no longer valid, but The San Diego Union-Tribune has a similar article:
President Barack Obama asked Congress on Thursday for $83.4 billion for U.S. military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, pressing for special troop funding that he opposed two years ago when he was senator and George W. Bush was president.Then I responded to the article:
Obama’s request, including money to send thousands more troops to Afghanistan, would push the costs of the two wars to almost $1 trillion since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to the Congressional Research Service.
Sadly, this amount actually seems really low. Is this accurate? We are only spending $133 billion per year for two full scale wars? Consider how much is being spent to prepare us for healthcare, and then all of the bailouts. This year Obama's budget is $3.6 trillion and last year Bush spent $3.1 trillion. Are these wars really less than 5% of our budget? How much have we spent on Social Security since 2001? Where is all of our money going? I have considered becoming an isolationist, but at this rate...Someone else responded with this:
The cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars has been blown out of proportion, primarily by the anti-Iraq war faction which includes the Dems and the MSM. As a percentage of GDP on an annual basis the cost has been almost trivial compared to other wars. The US GDP in 2007 was almost $14 billion. $100 billion is only 0.7% of that. By comparison, during WW II almost 36% of the US GDP went to the war effort at its peak.