Saturday, July 16, 2016

Supreme Court nominees

This is a list of judges that I'd consider for the Supreme Court.  All of them courageously voted to uphold the Constitution on a controversial issue with lots of pressure to conform to the politically correct viewpoint:

Gerry L. Alexander
Beth Baker
Marvin Baxter
David M. Borden
Pasco Bowman II
Dale R. Cathell
Ming Chin
Thomas E. Connolly
Deborah L. Cook
Robert J. Cordy
Carol Corrigan
William S. Duffey Jr.
Martin Feldman
Victoria A. Graffeo
Clayton Greene Jr.
Glenn T. Harrell, Jr.
Charles W. Johnson
Robert C. Jones
Paul J. Kelly Jr.
Alan Key
James B. Loken
Barbara Madsen
Mike McGrath
William R. McGuiness
Roy Moore
Brian Morris
Paul V. Niemeyer
Joanne C. Parrilli
Juan Pérez-Giménez
Patty Jenkins Pittman
Susan Phillips Read
Jim Rice
Jeffrey Sherlock
George Bundy Smith
Lavenski Smith
Robert S. Smith
Martha Sosman
Francis X. Spina
Jeffrey Sutton
Christine S. Vertefeuille
Alan M. Wilner
Peter T. Zarella

Of the judges already on the Supreme Court, these three made the correct decision:

Samuel Alito
John Roberts
Clarence Thomas


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